Thursday, August 02, 2007

98 Days

Well I was a little sore this morning, I think my back was sore because of the swinging from the driving range and my feet because the blisters are still there! As much as I wanted to keep pushing the snooze button this morning I got up after the 3rd hit and got myself ready. This morning was a little different, I had to do a little first aid to my feet which helped on one foot and not so much on the other. But the key thing here is that I walked this morning so I'm somewhat on a streak here! I will keep walking so that I am able to walk the whole 60miles in November. The driving range was fun! It gave Mark and I a chance to do something together and hopefully it will lead to more nights at the driving range and maybe even a game of golf here and there.

Well I know this is short but I'm going to fix myself some breakfast, hit the shower and head to work!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

99 Days

This morning there are blisters on my feet! They are little swollen but hopefully by doing my cross training (weights and driving range) it'll give them a rest to walk again tomorrow. The biggest challenge I think I'm facing this walk is not the walk it's self or the blisters or the soreness it is the people who think I'm not going to walk this year! If you've read my story you know that I was supposed to walk last year, but the day before I was to leave I got a very nasty case of the flu. So bad I really don't remember driving myself home the day I almost threw up in my office. I'm sure some people are saying it in jest, and trust me I've thrown my own "jest" around myself, but as I get closer to the walk what I need is people telling me I can do it instead of letting me know they are doubting that I can do it. Well I'm off to work, my workout will be this evening when, hopefully, the weather will have cooled down! HA HA, it's August in Missouri - yeah right! Until tomorrow........................

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 100

Today it is 100 days until the walk in San Diego! This morning I got up and realized I really need to get my butt in gear and start walking! I have done a training walk with others that are participating in the The 3 Day and I've walked here and there when time and weather permits but this is serious now!

So today I got up at 6am, well really 5:30am when my alarm went off and then again 9 min later and then again another 9min later and then when my cat Chuck started scratching at the bathroom door! Anyway, I got dressed and I was on the road at 6:11am. It's supposed to be HOT HOT HOT this week so I wanted to get started before the heat was on! I walked 4 miles, even though my training schedule said to do 3 miles, but I know what 4 miles is on my route so I figured what's an extra mile! It wasn't too bad, my dogs are barking a little bit but not anything body glide or these really cool things you put on your feet where you have the most friction, these tools I believe are going to be my saving grace for this walk!

I love walking in the early morning. It's peaceful, the birds are up and chirping looking for their morning breakfast, the bunnies are hopping around eating the dew covered grass. There's no phones (with the exception of my cell phone "just in case of an emergency"), no TV, no one other than me and the road and the birds and the bunnies. I'm lucky where I live, about 2 miles of my walk are within where I live so not too much traffic, the other 2 miles is out on a main road with lots of hills and challenges so it makes it for a nice training loop.

So I was on the road at 6:11am and I got back to my house at 7:15am, not too bad. Tomorrow calls for cross training, so I'm going to go through my exercise DVD's and see what I can find!

Well that's it for now, I'll write tomorrow after my workout.

Take care!