Thursday, August 02, 2007

98 Days

Well I was a little sore this morning, I think my back was sore because of the swinging from the driving range and my feet because the blisters are still there! As much as I wanted to keep pushing the snooze button this morning I got up after the 3rd hit and got myself ready. This morning was a little different, I had to do a little first aid to my feet which helped on one foot and not so much on the other. But the key thing here is that I walked this morning so I'm somewhat on a streak here! I will keep walking so that I am able to walk the whole 60miles in November. The driving range was fun! It gave Mark and I a chance to do something together and hopefully it will lead to more nights at the driving range and maybe even a game of golf here and there.

Well I know this is short but I'm going to fix myself some breakfast, hit the shower and head to work!

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